29 Years ago, Linus Torvalds started developing a new Operating System as a hobby project.
Today, Linux has transformed our world, powering everything from supercomputers and space programs to cars, phones and the smart home.
IGEL has always believed in Linux.
In 1994 IGEL released “Etherminal 3X” based on Linux. Etherminal 3X provided access to X Terminal sessions.
Today IGEL OS is still powered by Linux. IGEL OS provides secure remote access to cloud workspaces for over 17K customers and has over 90+ technology integrations.
29 years ago Linus believed he could create an open-source OS.
Thousands of Linux community members believed in helping him create Linux
- We believe in Linux
- We believe in helping each other
- We believe in staying positive during these challenging times
- Today ALL IGEL Employees are taking a day off work. To celebrate the birthday of Linux, but also to rest and recharge