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How to Streamline Application and Desktop Deployment with VDI

Dec 5, 2018 - Dec 5, 2018
02:00 AM UTC
Watch: OnDemand

Parallels RAS and IGEL powered endpoints, enable organization to improve their productivity while saving time, enhancing security, and reducing TCO.

Reduce Complexity

Easy to deploy, configure, and maintain, IGEL Endpoint and Parallels RAS allow organizations to reduce IT overhead and free up resources while improving the user experience.

Lower Cost

IGEL Endpoint and Parallels RAS are aggressively priced, making application and desktop delivery more affordable. The combined solution enables any organization to leverage the advantages of cloud computing.

End-To-End Security Solution

Deploying Parallels RAS and IGEL Endpoint reduces the risk of data breaches by preventing unauthorized access to data based on location, device, configurable Client Policies, and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

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