EUC Endpoint Security Showcase for Financial Services

Join IGEL, Amulet Hotkey, Island – The Enterprise Browser and Industry peers in London or Manchester for an informal yet informative afternoon.
With today’s workforce demanding a dynamic and flexible work experience without compromising on the security requirements in financial markets, we will be discussing topics such as:
- Reducing Total Cost of Ownership – No requirement for legacy security solutions on the endpoint.
- Reducing Risk Posture (DORA Compliance) – Diversifying away from a single endpoint OS strategy and therefore a single point of failure across the estate.
- Reducing Risk from Third Party Software Interoperability – What was learnt from the Crowdstrike/Microsoft incident earlier this year?
- Advanced Security – Read Only OS, no local data storage or ability for rogue code to execute on the device.
- Enabling fast track Disaster Recovery – IGEL UD Pocket. New OS, reboot direct from BIOS. Device is “Up” in a matter of minutes.
10th October, London
14th November, Manchester
Location TBC
12:00 – Arrival & Lunch
13:00 – Welcome & Introductions
13:15 – Interactive Breakout Session – Topics Include:
- DORA regulation
- Zero Trust options and deployment
- Remote & Hybrid security
- Banking Case Study
14:30 – Use Cases & Interactive Demo
15:00 – Wrap-Up & Drinks