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Strong and Simple Authentication, Clean Kiosk, and Zero Trust

This is a follow-up article to the previous blog about smart card authentication to Windows 365, that can be found here: Usually our life isn’t binary, very few organizations have the luxury of only having ONE single solution for…

Authentication to Windows 365 with IGEL Smart Card

Anyone wanting strong authentication for their virtual desktops and choosing Windows 365 will probably consider Smart Card Authentication. Rest assured, IGEL got you covered! Here are some tips and tricks that you might find useful for configuring your IGEL OS…

Prevention Is The Cure

One of the founding fathers of the United States, Benjamin Franklin, once famously advised that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. While this statement was made nearly 300 years ago, it is still true, especially in…

9 Tips to Protect Your Remote Endpoints

Traditional endpoint security strategies have become inadequate due to the massive shift to remote and hybrid work models. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of employees working outside network perimeters, threatening businesses with encrypted attacks, malware, and other damaging tactics. To ensure…

Mind the Gap

Why IGEL users need not fear security gaps or outdated clients. Imagine, you are the IT pro of your company. It’s a good day:  systems are running fluently, no patching pain, happy users. But in one moment, everything turns upside…

Secure Your Edge!

Sadly, in 2021, we’re used to the fact that people are constantly trying to get access to our information. We seem to hear reports from major businesses weekly that some database has been hacked, or supposedly secure credentials have been…

DISRUPT 2020: IGEL and VDI Security

Avoid the VDI Security Problem Most Customers Experience Reducing security vulnerability at the endpoint is a primary reason many companies explore virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) adoption. However, comprehensive endpoint protection isn’t a “one and done” proposition. For a truly secure…

Don’t Fear the Zombie

Processor vulnerabilities such as Spectre and Meltdown scared computer users in 2018. Now this type of weakness is back with Fallout, ZombieLoad and RIDL. Read what IGEL does to keep our customers safe. Speculative execution is a nifty trick that…

IGEL Furthers Product Security with Meltdown and Spectre Fix

(The following post includes new updates as of 2/2/2018) IGEL has acted quickly in response to the recently disclosed Meltdown and Spectre vulnerabilities with fixes released today. As background, Meltdown and Spectre affect computer processors, with Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754, critical) affecting…

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