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Strong and Simple Authentication, Clean Kiosk, and Zero Trust

This is a follow-up article to the previous blog about smart card authentication to Windows 365, that can be found here: Usually our life isn’t binary, very few organizations have the luxury of only having ONE single solution for…

Authentication to Windows 365 with IGEL Smart Card

Anyone wanting strong authentication for their virtual desktops and choosing Windows 365 will probably consider Smart Card Authentication. Rest assured, IGEL got you covered! Here are some tips and tricks that you might find useful for configuring your IGEL OS…

DISRUPT Unite Roadshow: EUC with Windows 365 Cloud PC

Discover everything you want to know about Windows 365 Cloud PC When it comes to cloud workspaces, there’s possibly nothing more transformative than the recent announcements around Microsoft Windows 365 Cloud PC. The innovative new solution enables users to securely…

Simple, Smart and Secure – Windows 365 and Windows 11

For some time the end-user computing (EUC) market has been abuzz with questions around a new version of Windows and rumors of a new service, offering Windows from the cloud. Introducing Windows 365 Today at Microsoft Inspire, Microsoft finally announced…

A Year in the (My) Life at IGEL

The Gratification of a “Servant Heart” Environment As Sr. Director of Product Marketing at IGEL, I recently passed my 1-year work anniversary. For the company, it has been a great year of tremendous growth as we continue to take market share…

DaaS is Ready to be Served

Why IGEL, Citrix and Microsoft are the Perfect Ingredients for a Tasty Solution The hunger for a transformation in endpoint computing is growing larger by the day. Limited IT resources and expertise exacerbated by the need for more rapid endpoint…

Is DaaS Dastardly or Doable?

When will DaaS have its day? Right now, DaaS adoption remains at the bottom of the hockey stick curve but many dynamic changes are afoot that eventually should move things forward. First and center is Microsoft’s Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD),…

Windows 10: The (Bad) Gift that Keeps on Giving

Microsoft is in the thick of it again, announcing it will arbitrarily reserve storage on Windows 10 Version 1903 in order to ensure available disk space for updates, apps, system caches and the like. According to a Microsoft blog, the…

Windows Virtual Desktop – Is it the Missing Piece?

The following is a guest blog post from Simon Binder, Microsoft MVP – Enterprise Mobility and Principal Solution Architect, Digital Workplace, ATEA. Simon will be a featured speaker at this year’s European DISRUPT EUC 2019 conference in Munich. If someone…

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