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M&A: Endpoint Management Key to a Healthy Integration

“Too many cooks spoil the broth.” It’s an expression that comes to mind when thinking about how to integrate IT-related platforms when organizations merge. The healthcare sector is particularly susceptible to post-merger paralysis. According to Vertess Research, 1,182 M&A deals…

IGEL and Partners Are the Endpoint Prescription for Healthcare

In the healthcare industry, early attempts at desktop virtualization were oftentimes hampered by Windows PC limitations or lacking the robust security framework HIPAA and other regulations demand. Healthcare IT today is transitioning from this unproductive and vulnerable approach to a…

HIMSS 2019: Improving the User Experience

At HIMSS this week we’re showcasing a key benefit of IGEL’s technology that is a favorite topic of mine:  improving the end user experience via our endpoint management software.  We’re partnering with Citrix and leveraging its Citrix digital workspaces to bring healthcare…

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