IGEL Technology and HOGAN Consulting Group Feed Our Essential Heroes
Essential heroes around the country are fighting at the front line against the COVID-19 pandemic every day. They work tirelessly, night and day, risking their lives to save ours.
To show support and extreme gratitude, IGEL and its partner HOGAN recently mobilized to feed more than 950 healthcare workers in five hospitals in the Midwest. Together they provided 63 pizzas and 400 boxed lunches to the workers at Indiana University Health, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and three Community Healthcare System hospitals in Indiana.
The effort also worked to support local small businesses in each region with meals purchased from locally owned and operated restaurants to help support their efforts to reopen and thrive in the face of this challenging time.
IGEL is a leader in software solutions that enable companies to re-deploy their personnel into work-from-home approaches. HOGAN is one of the top IGEL partners in the US and has a strong healthcare practice. However, we also recognize that not everyone’s work can be done from home, especially critical health workers. Offering this surprise lunch is one more small way that IGEL and HOGAN are showing their commitment to wellbeing and positivity in the face of the daily changes the Coronavirus has presented to us all. We BELIEVE in our heroes! We BELIEVE in a servant’s heart. We BELIEVE in helping others. We BELIEVE in staying positive. And we BELIEVE in believing.
Thank you to all our heroes. Your passion, and compassion, is why we BELIEVE.