IGEL Celebrates ENERGY STAR Day, Accelerates the Journey to Sustainable IT
Supporting energy efficiency and lowering IT’s environmental footprint is one of IGEL’s core tenets. Why is this so important to us? Because the opportunity to improve sustainability, by lowering greenhouse emissions, in IT is so great.
In fact, enterprise IT is responsible for about 2.5% of all global greenhouse emissions. And specifically, end user computing (EUC) produces the CO2 emissions equivalent to driving 10 million cars, 100,000 miles a year! If we were to offset these emissions naturally, it would require a dense forest over 20% the size of the United States.
But, with IGEL, IT organizations are finding new ways to become more energy efficient. In support of ENERGY STAR day today, I’d like to share 4 key ways IGEL is accelerating your journey to sustainability:
- IGEL helps enable the shift of user workloads to carbon-neutral cloud environments. Microsoft Azure for example expects to be 100% energy renewable by 2025. By making the adoption of virtual desktops easier, more manageable and more secure, IGEL helps organizations consolidate their EUC resources into shared infrastructure that’s easier to power sustainably.
- IGEL extends existing endpoint device lifespan by an average of two additional years, and in some cases much longer. By converting aging PCs with IGEL OS, organizations can unlock more value from their existing hardware. This reduces electronic waste. In fact, for every 1,000 laptops, as much as 40% of annual embodied emissions can be reduced.
- IGEL hardware has a much smaller environmental footprint. If new endpoint hardware is required, the purchase of IGEL endpoints, such as the ENERGY STAR compliant IGEL UD3, enables organizations to select devices which put sustainability first. The UD3 for example uses up to 77% less electricity to produce, is built with 80% less hardware than traditional PCs and is built with 98% recyclable material, including less plastic, less paint and more sustainable product packaging.
- IGEL supports a more sustainable remote workplace. By making remote work simpler and more secure, IGEL helps promote working from home options like the IGEL UD Pocket, which further reduce overall emissions. With IGEL, users can securely use their own devices for work, and IT can easily manage and support those devices using the IGEL Universal Management Suite.
In celebration of ENERGY STAR day, IGEL is reminding enterprise IT teams that reducing your organization’s environmental footprint doesn’t have to compromise user productivity or satisfaction. You can accelerate your journey to sustainable IT with IGEL. Learn more in this infographic: Accelerate Your Journey to Sustainable IT with IGEL.