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New Guide: Securing IGEL OS Endpoints

Ransomware, data theft, industrial espionage - rarely a week goes by without another scary IT security story. Unsurprisingly, there are many security vendors that seem to say: 'Buy our range of products, and your worries will be over'. At IGEL…

IGEL and Parallels RAS: Fast and Furious Virtual Delivery!

As our partners know, IGEL loves fast, hot cars (Tesla). And we love how we provide the market’s most efficient, satisfying user experience via our software-driven endpoint solutions. An important partner in our delivering high-performance virtual desktops is Parallels RAS,…

WannaCry! Why Linux Makes More Sense.

It’s like my mother always told me, “It’s your own blooming fault!” If you pirate software or fail to keep your OS updated, you deserve what you get!  I know, I know the world would be a lot better place…

Two Peas in a Podcast

What’s better than working with people on your same wavelength, who share your vision of delivering technology that helps the workforce have an easier, more productive endpoint experience?  Doug Brown, our new Global Technology Evangelist, and I recently sat down…

Endpoint security and optimization Cannot be an Add-On

As the global leader in endpoint endpoint security and optimization, we at IGEL Technology are keenly aware of product announcements that focus on hardware while failing to acknowledge the key differentiators of firmware and more importantly device management. A case…

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