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An IGEL Virtualised Workplace is Oh-So Easy to Manage

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), or the virtual workspace as it is otherwise known, sounds complicated. Virtualised anything sounds very modern and sophisticated really, but there are a whole bunch of reasons why a VDI solution makes a lot of sense,…

Even Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Need a Smart Hairbrush

Once upon a time, mobile phones did - unsurprisingly - what they said on the tin. They were tools used for calling people. Then along came Palm, Nokia, and Blackberry who added email, cameras, apps, Internet access and the smartphone was born, with the…

Introducing the IGEL OS

In a recent survey conducted by Microsoft, it was found that 50 percent of IT managers in Australia are seeing a shortage of skilled staff able to help manage their cloud applications. This came up third on the list, right…

Stick to the Knitting

It is one of the best selling business books of all time with over eight million copies shifted and the staple diet of any business school student in late 1980s early 90s. In Search of Excellence was first published in…

Endpoints Deliver High-Application Performance | IGEL Endpoints

Delivering High-Application Performance via Endpoints In the past IT looked at endpoints with little expectation beyond doing much more than the simplest graphically intensive task, perceiving that their performance fell short of the PC. Technology and the marketplace have since…

A Few Reasons Why VDI is the Way of the Future…

There are many good and obvious reasons why enterprises all over the world are moving to virtual workspaces. Easier management, lower running costs, better use of resources. However, there have always been an equally valid set of reasons why the…

We’re Having a [VMware] Blast at VMworld 2016

VMworld 2016 is an exciting event for us! Our new North America CEO Jed Ayres is now onboard to tell customers about our plans for our expanded presence in the region, and we are launching the integration of VMware® Blast…

VMworld 2016: IGEL’s Team Rocked!

VMworld 2016 was a big success for our IGEL team of super stars! We were booked from day to night, and were gratified to see that IGEL’s endpoint approach is the best fit for organizations needing a secure endpoint solution…

Five Myths about Endpoints

Think you know about endpoints? Most IT administrators think they do and many have dismissed them but the world has changed and the latest endpoint hardware and software endpoints are more than fit for purpose. Here are five endpoint myths…

Forget Brexit. Focus on security.

We live in times characterised by the ‘new normal’. Obviously there’s Brexit. Many pundits and politicians really didn’t see that coming and the fallout of leaving the EU has only just begun as the UK navigates its exit. But forget…

Take a “Sneak Peek” of IGEL Linux 10 through Nov. 30

IGEL is changing the game for endpoint technology. New performance, security and device compatibility are just some of the latest features that make the new IGEL Linux 10 stand out. And now, through November 30th, IGEL is making available a…

Why a Endpoint May Replace Your Next PC

Worldwide, endpoint (thin client) use is on the rise while PC sales are slowing down. Part of that reason is the cost of supporting and managing traditional PCs, coupled with the acceptance of mobile devices in the workspace. Another large…

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