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A Day in the Life of an EUC Maverick: Carl Webster

A Day in the Life of an EUC Maverick: Carl Webster

Carl Webster began his career in IT nearly five decades ago when he was hired by a local bank in Shreveport, Louisiana, to run their newly installed mainframe computer. He recalls, “The bank thought this would be a temporary position. Instead, I stayed on two years before moving on to my next job.”

Since that first job in IT, Webster has worked on nearly every brand and type of thin client, some that no longer exist. “Nothing has compared to IGEL, though,” he says. “IGEL’s focus on software is what differentiates them from their competition. Most companies put out a product and fail to update the software regularly, but this is not the case with IGEL. They are always innovating, and I appreciate the fact that you can repurpose and reuse aging laptop and desktop computers, making them new again with IGEL.”

How I use IGEL: To help businesses save money

He adds, “With IGEL, I’ve turned hardware that is more than a decade old into a working endpoint. For budget-conscious businesses, this is a significant benefit as it allows them to upgrade and modernize their digital workspace environments without having to spend thousands of dollars on new hardware. Simply put, the type and age of endpoint hardware no longer matters when you have IGEL.”

With IGEL, Webster as also found that businesses can make more informed decisions when selecting virtualization solutions from Citrix, VMware, Microsoft, and other providers.

“IGEL can test multiple solutions simultaneously to give businesses a real-world comparison of how they will perform in their environment. With other vendors, you would have to test these solutions one at a time and miss out on the true comparison offered by IGEL,” he explains.

Webster adds, “IGEL is perfect for so many use cases. From knowledge workers to engineers and system administrators to classrooms and training centers, anyone can run their applications with IGEL. What’s more, they can use the same device regardless of how much computing power they need. I don’t know why everyone doesn’t use IGEL.”

Why I like IGEL: The Community

Aside from the technology, one of the things Carl likes most about IGEL is the IGEL Community. “If I have any problems or questions, I can reach out to the community, and they are there to help. You don’t have to be a genius, just willing to help others,” he says. “Every day, there is someone brand new coming into the EUC space. It’s important that we all play a role in helping these individuals learn and grow in their careers, and the IGEL Community does this very well. The IGEL Community rocks!”

About the EUC Mavericks Program

IGEL would not be where it is today without the thousands of IT professionals who use our industry-leading, software-driven solutions to deliver secure, productive, and cost-effective digital workspaces to organizations around the globe.

To recognize and honor these individuals for their many contributions, we launched the EUC Mavericks program in 2021.  EUC Mavericks are at the very top of their game, “CHALLENGING EVERYTHING” in the delivery of cutting-edge IT services.

Carl Webster was inducted by IGEL into the EUC MAVERICKS HALL OF FAME in July 2023.

Sébastien Pérusat

VP Technical Publications & Community at IGEL
Posted in EUC Mavericks
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