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IGEL DISRUPT 24 Munich Sponsor Q&A Interview: Workspot

IGEL DISRUPT 24 Munich Sponsor Q&A Interview: Workspot

In just a few weeks, we will be headed to Germany for IGEL DISRUPT 24 Munich,  where we will dive into What’s Now & Next in End User Computing (EUC) with a packed two-day agenda full of key analysts, technical certifications, and industry experts at the largest end user conference in the industry.

We are continuing the IGEL DISRUPT 24 sponsor interview series with Dan O’Farrell, Vice President of Product Marketing at Workspot. Read on for insights on how Workspot partners with IGEL and why they are looking forward to joining us this year at IGEL DISRUPT 24 in Munich.

1) Why did your organization choose to sponsor IGEL DISRUPT Munich? 

We at Workspot view IGEL as the leading secure endpoint operating system for accessing digital workspaces of any type. The Workspot Unified Digital Workplace platform is ideal for secure, high-performance access to virtual apps, desktops, and web apps. The two companies, therefore, offer extremely complementary technologies for secure end-user access within almost any virtual/cloud/web scenario. We also appreciate that IGEL DISRUPT is a great venue for meeting and greeting all the key technology and product players within EUC.

2) What are 2-3 things you would like attendees at IGEL DISRUPT Munich to know about your partnership with IGEL?

Workspot is supported on IGEL OS 12 to form an outstanding, secure, high-performance, and easily managed end-to-end solution for accessing any form of on-prem, cloud, or web digital workspace. Workspot and IGEL combined form a very powerful zero trust security solution from the host VM or application in the cloud to the end user’s endpoint device. Additionally, both Workspot and IGEL combine to make IT teams much more effective and efficient with powerful yet easy-to-use management and observability tools.

3) What will your organization be presenting/showcasing at IGEL DISRUPT Munich? What do you want attendees to take away from your session/booth presentation?

Workspot intends to demonstrate our powerful Unified Digital Workplace platform by showing the extensive capabilities of Workspot Control single-pane management console and deep built-in observability tools Workspot Watch and Workspot Trends. We also plan to highlight our built-in secure enterprise browser. Those who stop by our booth should leave with an understanding that Workspot’s modern Unified Digital Workplace platform is an extremely attractive and viable alternative to the traditional expensive and top-heavy legacy VDI offers that are still based on decades-old technology.

4) In your view, what are the key challenges/opportunities for the EUC space in the next 3-6 months? 

Protecting the organization with strong, end-to-end zero trust security and avoiding/managing the constant ransomware threat remain top-of-mind.

5) Are there any changes/key trends that IT organizations should be aware of as we head into the second half of 2024? 

It’s not a change, but ransomware continues to loom as a persistent threat that must be planned for and effectively dealt with when it happens. The other trend is how to best leverage AI in end-to-end solutions to pragmatically enhance predictability and automation, outside of just paying lip service to it.

6) What should IT organizations be doing as they prepare for 2025?

IT teams need to look at ways to make themselves more effective and efficient as budgets continue to get cut, some IT veterans continue to retire and be succeeded by more junior professionals, and end-users look to be more “IT independent” as more and more workers are remote or at least hybrid.

7) And, just for fun, what is your favorite thing to do during your summer holidays?

I personally enjoy spending time in the upstate New York city of Saratoga Springs and getting a taste of the local food, culture, and hospitality that this famous resort town offers.

Matt Lods

Matt Lods is IGEL Ready Operations Manager.
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